Hello Beautiful.

I’m Grace.

I’m a practicing attorney, and coach for female attorneys.

For much of my legal career, I felt stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious. I over-worked but never felt like I had done enough. Or that I was enough. I second-guessed myself. I cared a LOT about what other people thought. I procrastinated because I was terrified of failing.

I knew something had to change.

That’s when I discovered thought work and the tools I’ll teach you through coaching. They changed my life, and I decided to get certified as a coach so that I could help other attorneys feel better at work too.

As a former domestic violence and sex trafficking prosecutor, and a lifelong feminist, I have always been committed to helping empower women.

Becoming a life and career coach for female attorneys was a natural evolution of my knowledge of the legal world, interest in personal development, and passion for helping women overcome hurdles and create the lives they want.

There IS a way to bring more contentment and peace to your career as an attorney, and to your life. Coaching can make the difference between enjoying your career, and constantly feeling behind, stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. Make the decision to help yourself through coaching today!